High performance Python

Compiling Cython code


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do we compile Cython code in a typical project?

  • How do we create Cython objects with no Python overhead

  • Use the setup.py file to compile Cython code

  • Use the pyximport to compile on the fly

  • Write cpdef functions with typed memoryviews

pyx is for Cython

Typical usage of Cython will include the writing of Python and Cython code side by side in the same library. Consider our Fibonacci series code.

To mark it as a Cython (rather than Python) file, we place it in a .pyx file.

We create two files. The first is a Cython file that contains the code we’ve already written for the Fibonacci series. We’ll save it as fib.pyx:

def fib(int n):
    cdef int i, a, b
    a, b = 1, 1
    for i in range(n):
        a, b = a+b, a

    return a

In another file, we’ll set up the compilation. The Python distutils library has functionality to deal with extension code, and Cython knows how to take advantage of that to orchestrate the compilation of pyx files:

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext

ext = Extension("fib", sources=["fib.pyx"])

      cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext})

To compile the fib.pyx file, we run the setup file:

python setup_fib.py build_ext --inplace [--compiler=mingw32 #only for Windows!]

This creates a fib.o compiled object and a fib.so bundled Python extension, such that in a Python/IPython session, you can now do:

import fib
a = fib.fib(10)

C fails fast

The function that we created here is statically typed. That means that, in contrast to a Python function it will only accept the types of objects for which it has been compiled.

For example, if you run the function with an input foo for which int(foo) would fail, it will not . For example, we can try running:

fib.fib(“a string”)

The dynamically typed Python could not identify that this is not the right type for the operations in this function, but the C code, that is statically typed recognizes this upfront, and fails immediately upon calling the function.

Using pyximport

An even easier way to use cython is through the pyximport mechanism. For example, we can create a Python file called run_fib.py that has the following content:

import pyximport   # This is part of Cython
from fib import fib  # This finds the pyx file, compiles automatically!

Looking around in this folder, we see that this time, there is no .c, .o or .so files around. This looks like magic, but we can resolve the mystery by asking Python where it loaded this module from:


Optimizing further: using cdef

Typically, we will write an entire Cython module with functions, classes, and so forth. Some of these objects need to have a public interface, so that they can be used by our Python code, but some of these are local to the Cython module, and don’t need to be available to use in python code. We can gain additional performance boosts by defining them in such a way that the compiler knows they don’t need to have a Python interface.

We can use the cdef keyword to define local functions and even types. For example, in a Cython file called physics.pyx, we define the following function and class:

cdef float distance(float *x, float *y, int n):
  cdef:  # same as using two lines each starting with `cdef`
    int i
    float d = 0.0

  for i in range(n):
      d += (x[i]- y[i]) **2
  return d

cdef class Particle(object):
    cdef float psn[3], vel[3]
    cdef int id

These defined objects would be unavailable from the Python side, but will be available to other functions within that pyx file/module. They have the advantage that they have no Python overhead when called, so their performance is very good.

Using cpdef

Alternatively, defining these objects with cpdef will create both the Cython-available and the Python-available versions of a function or class. Not as simple, because the inputs now need to be something that python knows how to produce (array pointers are not one of those…). Instead, here we use typed memory views. This is a ‘view’ onto the memory occupied by a numpy array from within the C side of things. This makes things go really fast, because instead of passing in the array, you are passing in a view into the memory (see also this blog post for much more details on this).

 cpdef float distance(double[:] x, double[:] y):
     cdef int i
     cdef int n = x.shape[0]
     cdef float d = 0.0
     for i in range(n):
         d += (x[i] - y[i]) ** 2
     return d

Finally, make sure that you are not writing Cython code that you could easily get from somewhere else. If it’s a basic operation that many people might use, it’s probably already been implemented (and it’s probably better implemented than you would implement it, see scipy.spatial.distances.cdist).

Key Points